Happy Birthday Sam
Thank you to all who share in Sam’s friendship and remind us of him everyday in remarkable, warm-hearted ways. We are grateful and comforted.
Here are a few selections we shared with Family & Friends, in a small service honoring Samuel Montgomery Jayne on June 13th, 2021. We’d love to share some of them again:
Two close friends led us in Hymns, and read verses from the Bible and from other Scriptural references-(available upon request.)
Cousins James & Ian performed guitar and vocals to the song “Live Forever” by the Highwaymen. Peter & Carrie invited everyone to “share about Sam.” Amber & Carrie and friends helped serve dinner.
The following quote was read from the writings of Brother Brian Doyle, author:
“No man had better friends, and no man had a happier childhood and a wilder brother and a sweeter sister…
Thanks, Boss. Thanks from the bottom of my heart.”
Written by Brian Doyle
His substance rests eternal,
Solid on The Rock.
“Holy isn’t out of reach…
And you will know where to find me…
Give to me a cool, holy name, and
I will sing it everyday.”
Written in a Holy Book, an Open Book, your own cool, holy name.
You are cherished.
And from Cousin Lottie on her 90th Birthday-
A Scottish Blessing:
God grant that we be kindly be,
Speak less in blame and more in praise,
And by the splendor of our lives.
Make this a year of happy days.
Live a Beautiful Big Life with all the LOVE in your hearts and cherish one another.
Sam’s family