Band of Horses Tribute
Aloha Sam. Just knowing I won’t see you again has dulled the light in here🖤 - Creighton Barrett
Creating a new space to create in honor of my old friend Sam Jayne. Listening to all of his music and unpacking things that have been stowed away too long. One thing about Sam, it was really tough to ever put on music when he was around. He always played the freshest shit. I’d come in to janitor the bar and if Sam showed up to prep for bartending, I’d know to collect my cds lol. What a talent and what a funny dude. Always with us Sam! Love Ben Bridwell
This is in no way the best look at Sam’s Jayne’s work but only what’s easily accessed on this platform. Iove all these songs tho I can tell you that. Frustrating not having Lync or Greeks LPs to pick from but if any of y’all are curious of his talent there’s so much more out there. I’m trying my best with America’s Ray Davies. Love you Sam ❤️ - Ben Bridwell